If you don't find the answer you need below, please use our Contact Form. We'll get back to you right away.

How do I get started with Prep It Pack It Ship It?
Please use the Contact Form to tell us about your prep and ship needs first. Next, follow the process outlined on the Set Up Your Account page
Do You Handle Retail or Online Arbitrage Products?
Yes, we offer Online Arbitrage prep services for experienced Amazon sellers meeting our minimum requirements. Please see our Arbitrage page to learn more. Click HERE
Do you handle books?
No, not at this time.
Do you handle Amazon returns?
Yes. Please see our Pricing and Services page.
Do you do individual order fulfillment?
Yes. Please see our Pricing and Services page.
Do you do handle the removal of products from Amazon's warehouses?
Yes. Please see our Pricing and Services​ page.

What products are considered oversize?
We use the same size and weight standards as Amazon uses with its FBA program. Individual units exceeding 18 inches on the longest side or greater than 20 pounds in weight will be charged as oversize. A carton that is greater than 25 inches on its longest side or greater than 20 pounds in weight is oversize.
Can you store my inventory?
Sure! We can store your inventory until you’re ready to send it to Amazon. We offer storage at just $0.68 per cubic foot per month for smaller quantities or $45/pallet/month. Storage prices remain the same year-round; no change during Q4.
How do I pay for your services?
We ask that you submit a Credit Card Authorization Form when you set up your account with us. We’ll charge your credit card at the time of shipment and send you a detailed accounting of the charges by email.
How are shipping charges billed?
Shipping charges from Amazon-partnered carriers such as UPS are charged directly to your Amazon account. In order to get the correct shipping rate, be sure that the 'Ship From' address in your shipping plan is changed to the Prep It Pack It Ship It warehouse address.

I'm planning to order products from overseas. Can you handle customs/duties for me?
No, but we can recommend two very good shipping agents who can assist you with your international shipping and customs matters. You'll see their contact information on our Resource page.
What is your EIN? My shipping company says they need it before they can ship.
We occasionally get this question from clients residing outside the US. If you are shipping through one of the larger carriers such as UPS, FedEx, or DHL, normally they’ll handle all of the customs matters for you. In some situations however, you may be asked to identify an Importer of Record for your shipment and for tax information such as an EIN or Tax ID number.
We cannot act as the Importer of Record for your shipments, nor can we supply you with our tax information. If you are not a US citizen, you may have to register as a Foreign Importer. The customs agents listed on the Resources page should be able to help you file the appropriate paperwork if need be.
Is my inventory insured while it is in your warehouse?
While we take all reasonable actions to protect your inventory, insurance of your products is ultimately your responsibility as the owner. In most cases, you can ask that a rider be added to your current insurance policy, which lists our warehouse as a storage facility for your insured products.