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Amazon Seller Vacation Mode: How to Pause Your Listings and Keep Your Account Safe

Updated: Feb 8

amazon seller vacation mode

If you're an Amazon seller, you know how important it is to maintain a strong presence on the platform. However, there may be times when you need to take a break from managing your business, such as going on vacation. In these situations, Amazon Seller Vacation Mode can be a helpful tool to temporarily pause your listings and orders.

By enabling Vacation Mode, you can deactivate your listings and prevent buyers from purchasing your products while you're away. This can help you avoid negative feedback or customer service issues that may arise if you're unable to fulfill orders during your absence. Amazon Seller Vacation Mode is easy to activate and can provide peace of mind while you take time off from your business.

Whether you're planning a short getaway or an extended vacation, using Amazon Seller Vacation Mode can help you maintain control of your business while you're away. Keep in mind that it may take up to 36 hours for Amazon to inactivate your listings, so be sure to enable Vacation Mode well in advance of your departure. With this helpful tool, you can take a break from your business without worrying about losing sales or damaging your reputation as an Amazon seller.

Perhaps you're also considering hiring a virtual assistant to manage your account while you're away? Check out our article on the benefits of hiring VAs or virtual assistants here.

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Understanding Amazon Seller Vacation Mode

Amazon Seller Vacation Mode is a feature that allows sellers to temporarily pause their sales and listings on Amazon. This feature is particularly useful for sellers who need to take a break from their business, whether it's for a vacation, a personal emergency, or any other reason.

When you activate Amazon Seller Vacation Mode, your listings will be made inactive, and your products will no longer appear in Amazon's search results. This means that buyers will not be able to purchase your products while you are on vacation. However, your listings will still be visible on Amazon, and buyers will be able to add your products to their wish lists.

It's important to note that Amazon Seller Vacation Mode only applies to listings that are fulfilled by the seller (FBM). If you have listings that are fulfilled by Amazon (FBA), your inventory will continue to be fulfilled by Amazon, and your products will remain available for purchase.

To activate Amazon Seller Vacation Mode, you need to log in to your Seller Central account and go to the Settings tab. From there, select Account Info, and then click on the Vacation Settings link. You can then choose the start and end dates for your vacation, and select which listings you want to make inactive.

It's important to plan ahead when using Amazon Seller Vacation Mode, as it can take up to 36 hours for your listings to become inactive. This means that you should activate vacation mode well in advance of your vacation, to ensure that your listings are inactive by the time you leave.

In conclusion, Amazon Seller Vacation Mode is a useful feature for sellers who need to take a break from their business. By using this feature, you can ensure that your listings are temporarily inactive, and that buyers are not able to purchase your products while you are away.

By the way, are you aware of all the Amazon FBM shipping requirements? If not, then click here to read our Amazon FBM shipping guide.

Activating and Deactivating Vacation Mode

As an Amazon seller, you may need to take time off from your business for various reasons. During these times, it's important to let your customers know that you won't be able to fulfill orders. This is where Amazon's Vacation Mode comes in handy. In this section, we'll go over the steps to activate and deactivate Vacation Mode on your Amazon seller account.

Steps to Activate Vacation Mode

Activating Vacation Mode on your Amazon seller account is a simple process. Here's how to do it:

  1. Log in to your Seller Central account.

  2. Hover over the "Settings" tab and click on "Account Info."

  3. In the "Listings Status" section, click on the "Going on a vacation?" link.

  4. Select the start and end dates for your vacation.

  5. Choose whether you want to keep your FBA inventory active or inactive during your vacation.

  6. Finally, click on the "Submit" button to activate Vacation Mode.

Once you activate Vacation Mode, your listings will be inactive for the duration of your vacation. If you choose to keep your FBA inventory active, your products will still be available for purchase and fulfillment by Amazon.

Steps to Deactivate Vacation Mode

Deactivating Vacation Mode is just as easy as activating it. Here's how to do it:

  1. Log in to your Seller Central account.

  2. Hover over the "Settings" tab and click on "Account Info."

  3. In the "Listings Status" section, click on the "Going on a vacation?" link.

  4. Click on the "Deactivate" button next to the vacation dates.

  5. Finally, click on the "Submit" button to deactivate Vacation Mode.

Once you deactivate Vacation Mode, your listings will become active again and customers will be able to purchase your products.

It's important to note that deactivating Vacation Mode may take up to 36 hours for Amazon to process. So, it's best to plan ahead and deactivate Vacation Mode a few days before you plan to start fulfilling orders again.

In conclusion, activating and deactivating Vacation Mode on your Amazon seller account is a simple process that can save you time and help you manage your business efficiently. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that your customers are aware of your absence and avoid any negative impact on your sales.

Impact of Vacation Mode on Listings and Search Results

Vacation mode is a useful feature for Amazon sellers who need to take a break from their business without closing their account. However, it is important to understand the impact of vacation mode on your listings and search results.

Listing Status During Vacation Mode

When you activate vacation mode, your listings will be inactivated and will not appear in Amazon's search results. This means that buyers will not be able to purchase your products while you are away. If you have any orders that have not been shipped before you activate vacation mode, you will need to fulfill them as usual.

It is important to note that vacation mode only applies to merchant-fulfilled inventory. If you use Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA), your listings will remain active and your orders will be fulfilled as usual.

To avoid any negative impact on your account, it is recommended that you plan ahead and communicate with your customers. You can update your shipping settings to reflect your vacation dates and add a message to your storefront to inform customers of your absence.

Vacation Mode and Search Results

One concern that sellers have with vacation mode is the impact on their search ranking once they return. However, according to Amazon, there is no penalty for using vacation mode and your search ranking will not be affected.

It is important to note that it may take some time for your listings to regain their position in search results once you return from vacation mode. This is because your listings will need to be re-indexed by Amazon's search algorithm.

To minimize any negative impact on your search ranking, it is recommended that you keep your vacation period as short as possible and fulfill any orders promptly upon your return.

Overall, vacation mode is a useful feature for Amazon sellers who need to take a break from their business. By understanding the impact of vacation mode on your listings and search results, you can ensure a smooth transition and avoid any negative impact on your account.

Handling Inventory During Vacation Mode

When you activate Amazon Vacation Mode, it's important to plan ahead for inventory management. This is especially important if you sell via Fulfilled by Merchant (FBM). In this case, you'll need to deactivate your listings manually. However, if you sell via Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA), your orders will continue as usual, and you'll only need to plan ahead for inventory management during your time off.

If you're using FBM, make sure you're using the right inventory management tools to keep things running smoothly. You can use Amazon's inventory settings to manage your inventory during vacation mode. Here are a few tips to help you manage your inventory effectively:

  • Check your inventory levels before you activate vacation mode. If you have low inventory levels, you may want to consider delaying your time off until you can restock.

  • Set your inventory to "out of stock" before you activate vacation mode. This will prevent customers from placing orders while you're away.

  • If you have multiple listings for the same product, make sure you deactivate all of them. This will prevent customers from placing orders for the product while you're away.

  • If you have any merchant-fulfilled orders that need to be shipped while you're away, make sure you have a plan in place to fulfill those orders. You may want to consider hiring a fulfillment service to handle these orders for you.

  • If you have FBA orders that need to be shipped while you're away, make sure you have enough inventory in the Amazon warehouse to fulfill those orders.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your inventory is managed effectively during vacation mode. This will help you avoid any issues with customers and ensure that your business runs smoothly while you're away.

Looking for more resources to help you keep track of your inventory? Read about Amazon Inventory Reports here.

Managing Orders and Customer Interactions

When you activate vacation mode on Amazon, it's important to manage your orders and customer interactions to maintain a positive reputation and avoid negative feedback. In this section, we'll cover how to handle pending orders and buyer messages during your time away.

Pending Orders and Vacation Mode

If you have any pending orders when you activate vacation mode, you should fulfill them before you leave or cancel them. If you choose to fulfill them, make sure you have enough inventory and time to ship them out before leaving. If you cancel them, make sure to communicate with the buyers and issue refunds promptly.

When you activate vacation mode, your listings will be unavailable for purchase, but any pending orders will remain in your order management dashboard. You can view and manage these orders from the "Manage Orders" section of your seller account.

Handling Buyer Messages and Return Requests

While you're away, buyers may still have questions or concerns about their orders. It's important to provide excellent customer service even when you're on vacation. You can set up automated email responses to let buyers know that you're away and when you'll be back. You can also provide alternative contact information, such as a phone number or email address, for urgent inquiries.

If a buyer requests a return or refund, you should respond promptly and follow Amazon's standard return policy. If you're unable to handle the request while you're away, you can delegate the task to someone you trust or hire a third-party service to manage your customer service.

When you return from vacation, make sure to check your messages and handle any outstanding issues promptly. This will help maintain a positive reputation and keep your customers happy.

In summary, managing orders and customer interactions while on vacation is crucial to maintaining a positive reputation on Amazon. Be proactive in handling pending orders and provide excellent customer service even when you're away. By following these tips, you can ensure a smooth vacation without compromising your business.

Seller Metrics and Vacation Mode

When you activate Amazon Seller Vacation Mode, it is important to keep in mind that you still need to maintain your seller metrics. This means that you need to respond to any customer inquiries within 24 hours to avoid negatively impacting your metrics.

If you are unable to respond to customer inquiries during your vacation, it is recommended that you hire someone to manage your account while you are away. This will ensure that your metrics remain intact and your customers are satisfied with their experience.

Additionally, it is important to note that any negative feedback received during your vacation will still count towards your overall feedback score. Therefore, it is crucial to address any negative feedback as soon as possible once you return from your vacation.

It is also recommended that you review your seller metrics before activating Vacation Mode to ensure that you are in good standing. This includes monitoring your Order Defect Rate (ODR), Late Shipment Rate (LSR), and Cancellation Rate (CR). If any of these metrics are below Amazon's standards, it may be best to resolve these issues before activating Vacation Mode.

Overall, while Amazon Seller Vacation Mode can be a great tool to use when you need to take a break, it is important to keep in mind that you still need to maintain your seller metrics and provide a positive customer experience. By staying on top of your metrics and hiring someone to manage your account if necessary, you can ensure that your vacation goes smoothly and your business remains in good standing.

FBA and FBM: Differences in Vacation Mode

If you are an Amazon seller, you have two options to fulfill your orders: Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) or Fulfilled by Merchant (FBM). Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the same applies to vacation mode.

Vacation Mode in Fulfilled by Amazon

If you are an FBA seller, you do not need to use Amazon's vacation mode. Instead, you need to manage your inventory properly before going on vacation. This means that you need to ensure that you have enough stock to cover your sales during your absence. If you run out of stock, your listings will become inactive, and you will lose sales.

To manage your inventory, you can use Amazon's Inventory Planning tool. This tool helps you forecast your sales and recommends how much inventory you should have in stock. You can also use third-party inventory management tools to automate this process.

Vacation Mode in Fulfilled by Merchant

If you are an FBM seller, you need to use Amazon's vacation mode to make your listings inactive while you are on vacation. This will prevent buyers from purchasing your products and avoid negative feedback due to delayed shipping.

To enable vacation mode, go to your Seller Central account and click on "Settings" > "Account Info" > "Listing Status" > "Vacation Settings". From there, you can select the listings that you want to make inactive and set the start and end dates of your vacation.

It's important to note that vacation mode for FBM sellers takes up to 36 hours to become effective. Therefore, you need to plan ahead and activate vacation mode well in advance of your departure date.

In conclusion, FBA and FBM sellers have different options when it comes to vacation mode. While FBA sellers need to manage their inventory properly, FBM sellers need to use Amazon's vacation mode to make their listings inactive. By following the right steps, you can ensure that your Amazon business runs smoothly while you are on vacation.

Managing Vacation Mode on Multiple Devices

If you manage your Amazon seller account on multiple devices, such as a desktop computer and a smartphone, you can still enable and manage vacation mode on all devices. Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Use the Amazon Seller App: The Amazon Seller App is available for both iOS and Android devices. You can use it to manage your listings, orders, and payments on the go. You can also use it to enable and disable vacation mode for your listings. To do that, open the app, tap on the "Inventory" tab, select the listings you want to put on vacation mode, tap on the "Edit" button, and then select "Vacation Settings". From there, you can choose the start and end dates of your vacation, and select whether you want to deactivate your listings or not. Once you're done, tap on "Save" to apply the changes.

  • Sync Your Devices: If you use multiple devices to manage your Amazon seller account, make sure that they are synced and up-to-date. For example, if you enable vacation mode on your desktop computer, make sure that the changes are reflected on your smartphone as well. To do that, you can either refresh the page or log out and log back in again. Alternatively, you can use the Amazon Seller App to check the status of your listings and make changes if necessary.

  • Plan Ahead: If you know that you'll be away from your business for a while, make sure that you plan ahead and enable vacation mode in advance. This will give you enough time to make any necessary changes to your listings, such as adjusting the prices, quantities, or shipping options. You can also use this time to communicate with your customers and let them know about your vacation schedule. This will help you avoid any negative feedback or disputes.

In summary, managing vacation mode on multiple devices is easy and convenient. You can use the Amazon Seller App to enable and disable vacation mode on the go, sync your devices to ensure that they are up-to-date, and plan ahead to avoid any issues. By following these tips, you can enjoy your vacation without worrying about your Amazon business.

Account Settings and Subscription Fees

When it comes to Amazon Seller Vacation Mode, it's important to understand how it affects your account settings and subscription fees. First and foremost, it's important to note that Amazon does not charge a fee for using Vacation Mode. However, you will still be responsible for any subscription fees associated with your seller's account.

If you are a professional seller, you will be charged a monthly subscription fee of $39.99. This fee covers access to a variety of tools and features, including the ability to use Vacation Mode. If you are an individual seller, you will not be charged a monthly subscription fee, but you will be charged a per-item fee for each item you sell.

It's important to note that if you choose to suspend your account instead of using Vacation Mode, you may still be responsible for any subscription fees associated with your seller's account. This is because Amazon considers account suspension to be a form of account closure, which means you may be subject to early termination fees if you are under contract.

If your account is suspended for any reason, you will not be able to use Vacation Mode until the suspension is lifted. Additionally, if your account is suspended, you may be subject to additional fees or penalties, depending on the reason for the suspension.

In summary, using Amazon Seller Vacation Mode does not incur any additional fees beyond your regular subscription fees. However, it's important to understand the implications of account suspension and to ensure that you are in good standing with Amazon before using Vacation Mode.

Best Practices for Using Vacation Mode

When it comes to taking a vacation from your online business, using Amazon Seller Vacation Mode is a great way to ensure that your customers are aware of your absence and that your listings are not affected. Here are some best practices to keep in mind when using Amazon Seller Vacation Mode:

Plan Ahead

Before you go on vacation, make sure to plan ahead and give yourself enough time to set up your vacation settings. This includes creating and editing your listings, managing your inventory, and setting up your self-fulfilled offers. By doing this, you can ensure that your listings are accurate and up-to-date, and that your customers are aware of your absence.

Use the Right Inventory Management Tools

While you are on vacation, it's important to keep track of your inventory levels and ensure that you have enough stock to fulfill any orders that come in. To do this, you can use Amazon's inventory management tools to keep track of your inventory levels and set up alerts when your stock levels are running low.

Activate Vacation Mode for Fulfilled by Merchant (FBM) Listings

If you sell via Fulfilled by Merchant (FBM), you will need to activate vacation mode on your listings to ensure that your customers are aware of your absence. This will also prevent any new orders from coming in while you are away. Keep in mind that it may take up to 36 hours for Amazon to inactivate your listings, so make sure to plan ahead.

Use Automation to Manage Your Listings

To make it easier to manage your listings while you are on vacation, you can use automation tools to create and edit your listings, manage your inventory, and fulfill orders. This can help you save time and ensure that your customers are still able to purchase your products while you are away.

Be Clear and Concise in Your Vacation Message

When you activate vacation mode, it's important to be clear and concise in your vacation message. This message will be displayed on your product pages and will let your customers know that you are away and when you will be back. Make sure to include the dates of your absence, any alternative contact information, and any other relevant details.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your online business runs smoothly while you are on vacation and that your customers are still able to purchase your products.


Using Amazon Seller Vacation Mode can be a great way to manage your product listings when you are away from your business. It allows you to temporarily deactivate your listings, removing them from Amazon search results, and preventing buyers from purchasing those products.

If you are planning to go on vacation or have other reasons for being away from your business, it is important to plan ahead and set up your Amazon Seller Vacation Mode in advance. This will ensure that your listings are deactivated at the right time and that you don't miss out on potential sales.

When setting up your Amazon Seller Vacation Mode, be sure to complete all your Amazon deliveries and orders, automate your client messaging, and set a deadline for deactivation. You should also keep in mind that your business will still need your supervision, even when you are away.

It is also important to consider the season and demand for your products when setting up your Amazon Seller Vacation Mode. For example, if you sell Christmas decorations, you may want to deactivate your listings during the off-season to avoid any unnecessary fees.

Overall, using Amazon Seller Vacation Mode can be a valuable tool for managing your Amazon store and product listings. By planning ahead and taking the time to set it up properly, you can ensure that your business runs smoothly even when you are away.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can you pause your listing on Amazon?

Amazon's seller vacation mode enables you to deactivate your listings independently. However, deactivation isn't instantaneous and can take between 36 to 48 hours. It's crucial to ensure that your listings are fully removed before you go on vacation to avoid the risk of receiving orders that you are obligated to fulfill.

How do I pause my Amazon seller account for vacation?

To put your Amazon seller account on hold, you can activate the vacation mode feature. You can do this by logging into your Amazon Seller Central account, going to the "Settings" tab, and selecting "Account Info." From there, you can click on "Listing Status" and then "Vacation Settings." You can then select the dates you will be away and choose to either deactivate your listings or keep them active but extend your handling time.

What happens to my Amazon storefront while on vacation mode?

While your Amazon seller account is on vacation mode, your listings will be either inactive or have an extended handling time. This means that customers will not be able to purchase your products during this time. However, your storefront will still be visible to customers, and they will be able to see your products and your storefront information.

Does Amazon vacation mode affect FBA?

If you're using Fulfilled By Amazon (FBA), your offers will remain active regardless. Whether you're taking a vacation, unable to ship due to bad weather, dealing with a family emergency, or just need a break from your Amazon business, you have the flexibility to activate or deactivate this mode according to your needs.

Can I still fulfill orders while in vacation mode on Amazon?

Vacation mode only impacts orders that are Fulfilled By Merchant (FBM). However, for sellers using Fulfilled By Amazon (FBA), Amazon maintains active listings and continues selling and shipping orders even when vacation mode is activated.

How do I turn off vacation mode on Amazon Seller Central?

To turn off vacation mode on Amazon Seller Central, you can log into your account and go to the "Settings" tab. From there, select "Account Info" and then "Listing Status." You can then click on "Vacation Settings" and select "Deactivate" to turn off vacation mode.

Is it possible to set a specific date range for Amazon vacation mode?

Yes, you can set a specific date range for vacation mode on Amazon. When you activate vacation mode, you can choose the start and end dates for your vacation. Your listings will be inactive during this time, and you can choose to either deactivate them or keep them active with an extended handling time.

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