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Writer's pictureBrian Cummings

Intellectual Property Claims Amazon - Amazon Sellers - learn how to avoid IP violations Complaints

Updated: Oct 25, 2023

If you are an Amazon FBA seller, you may already be aware of the risks associated with intellectual property (IP) complaints. These complaints can be filed against you by rights owners for violating their IP rights, which can result in account suspension or even legal action.

With more and more brands utilizing the services of "Brand Protection" firms like VORYS, the number of TRO complaints and IP complaints on Amazon have skyrocketed in recent years.

In 2020, Amazon received over 2.5 million IP infringement reports from brand owners?

This staggering number shows just how important it is to take IP complaints seriously and to take proactive measures to protect your business.

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on Amazon intellectual property complaints. You will learn about Amazon's rules and regulations regarding IP, the potential consequences of receiving IP complaints, and how to handle them.

We will also share tips on how to avoid IP complaints and what to do if you receive one.

Did you also know that Amazon has an IP accelerator program that can help you with your brand registry, trademark, and other brand ownership procedures? Read our article on this topic here.

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What is the IP Claim?

So you've received an Amazon intellectual property complaint from a brand - this means that a brand owner has filed a claim against you for violating their trademark, copyright, or patent rights. These claims can lead to the removal of your products from Amazon or even the suspension of your account if they're not addressed properly.

It's important to understand the basis of the complaint and take action to resolve the issue. The first step is to review the complaint and understand the specific intellectual property right that's been violated. You can find this information in an email from Amazon or in Performance Notifications in Seller Central. You can also use this information to search on WIPO, USPTO, PACER, Google, and various Amazon Seller communities to see 1. Who really owns the IP, if they've filed a lawsuit before, and how other sellers resolved the issue with the specific rights holder.

Once you understand the basis of the complaint, you can take action to address it and prevent future violations. Understanding Amazon's intellectual property rules and regulations is crucial to avoid receiving future complaints and to maintain a successful Amazon business.

Amazon's Intellectual Property Rules and Regulations

Amazon has a strict Intellectual Property policy that covers trademarks, patents, and copyrights.

To help you better understand Amazon's Intellectual Property policy, here are two ideas to keep in mind:

- Trademarks: Words, symbols, or designs that a company uses to establish its brand and make itself recognizable. If you use a trademarked word or logo without permission, you could receive an IP complaint.

- Patents: Legal protection for inventions. If you sell a product that violates someone's patent, you could receive an IP complaint. There are two types of patents - utility patents and design patents.

Valid vs Invalid "Baseless" IP Claims on Amazon

Understanding the difference between valid and invalid IP claims can save Amazon FBA sellers from the headache of dealing with baseless complaints. Valid IP claims are those filed by brand owners against sellers who have violated their intellectual property rights, including trademarks, copyrights, and patents.

However, many Amazon sellers found that the easiest way to take out their competition is to use Amazon's own enforcement mechanisms and send out baseless complaints. It's still the easiest way for competitors to shut down accounts and decrease competition.

Invalid or baseless IP claims are not based on any intellectual property infringement. These claims can be filed by competitors or individuals who want to shut down your account or remove your product from the market. These are typically easy to spot if you look up the actual copyright, trademark or patent mentioned in the claim. Additionally, these claims usually don't come from a law firm. To this, you can request proof of ownership of the IP or file a DMCA counternotice. For a patent complaint, it's a little bit harder but still manageable.

How Do I Know if The IP Alert is Legit?

If you're an Amazon FBA seller dealing with potential IP violations, you may be wondering how to determine if an IP claim is legitimate.

There are a few ways to check the validity of an IP claim. First, research the brand and product in question to see if there have been any previous IP complaints against them. You can also check the brand's website or social media pages to see if they've made any statements regarding IP protection.

Another way to verify the legitimacy of an IP Alert is to compare it to the original trademark or copyright registration. Look for any discrepancies in the information provided in the alert and make sure it matches the original registration.

If you're still unsure, you can also seek legal advice or contact Amazon's Seller Support for assistance. With these steps, you can ensure that you're taking the necessary precautions to avoid IP violations on Amazon and protect your account from potential suspension.

What is a Copyright Complaint?

When you receive a copyright IP claim, it's important to respond promptly and effectively in order to protect your Amazon FBA seller account.

The first step is to determine the basis of the complaint and try to resolve the issue with the brand owner.

If the issue cannot be resolved, you may need to file a DMCA counternotice. The counternotice should include specific information such as identification of the original content, a statement of good faith belief that the content was removed or disabled in error, and a statement under penalty of perjury that you have the authority to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

The DMCA Counternotice is a great tool, but it doesn't come with a risk. The DMCA Counternotice essentially forces the other party to either back down, or to start a lawsuit. While in most cases they won't want to deal with the hassle of starting a lawsuit, in some cases they will, and they can claw back a lot of the profit from your Amazon selling account or freeze your disbursements.

Or perhaps you're looking to transfer your Amazon seller account to a new owner? Read our article about transferring ownership of an Amazon business here.

How to respond to a Copyright IP Claim?

Responding to a copyright IP claim can be overwhelming, but don't let that stop you from taking action to protect your Amazon FBA business.

The first step is to understand the basis of the claim and contact the brand owner to try and resolve the issue. If the brand owner won't issue a retraction, you can contact Amazon directly and provide invoices to help remove the claim from your account.

What is a DMCA Counternotice

A DMCA counternotice can be a powerful tool for FBA sellers who believe they've been wrongly accused of copyright infringement. This notice is a response to the initial DMCA takedown notice sent by the copyright owner or their agent to Amazon. It allows you to dispute the claim and request that your product be reinstated.

To file a DMCA counternotice, you must provide your name, address, phone number, and signature. You must also identify the material that has been removed or disabled and provide a statement under penalty of perjury that you have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification.

Additionally, you must consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the judicial district in which your address is located and agree to accept service of process from the copyright owner or their agent. Once submitted, the notice will be forwarded to the copyright owner or their agent, who will have 10 business days to file a lawsuit against you to prevent the reinstatement of your product.

If they do not take legal action, your product will be reinstated. Now that you understand what a DMCA counternotice is, let's discuss what needs to be included in one.

What needs to be included in a DMCA Counternotice

To file a DMCA counternotice, you must provide personal information such as your name, address, and phone number. You'll also need to include a statement under penalty of perjury that the content you uploaded wasn't infringing on any copyright laws. Additionally, you must consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court in which you reside.

It's important to note that filing a counternotice doesn't guarantee that your content will be reinstated. According to a study, only 13% of DMCA counternotices result in legal action by the copyright owner.

Moving on to patent IP complaints on Amazon, it's important to note that patent infringement can lead to serious legal action. Patent holders have the right to take legal action against sellers who are infringing on their patents, which can lead to expensive lawsuits.

It's important for sellers to thoroughly research their products and ensure that they're not infringing on any patents before listing them on Amazon.

Patent IP Complaints on Amazon

If you're an Amazon FBA seller, it's important to be aware of patent IP complaints. These complaints involve violations of patented inventions or designs. They can result in product removal and account suspension. Two common types of patent IP complaints are design patent IP complaints and utility patent IP complaints. Knowing how to deal with them is crucial for maintaining your Amazon selling business.

Design Patent IP Complaints on Amazon

Watch out for design patent IP complaints on Amazon, as they can lead to serious consequences for your business. A design patent is a type of legal protection for the ornamental design of a functional item, such as the shape, pattern, or color of a product.

If you receive a design patent IP complaint, it means that a brand owner has accused you of infringing on their design patent rights by selling a product that looks similar to their protected design. To avoid design patent IP complaints, be sure to do your research and check for any existing design patents before listing a product for sale.

If you receive a complaint, it is important to respond promptly and professionally, providing any necessary documentation to prove the authenticity of your product. Failure to properly address design patent IP complaints can result in the removal of your product from Amazon and even account suspension. In the case of a patent IP complaint, you can consult an attorney or lawyer.

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Moving forward, let's discuss how to handle utility patent IP complaints on Amazon.

Utility Patent IP Complaints on Amazon

You're in hot water if a brand owner accuses you of copying their product's functionality or design, as utility patent IP complaints can lead to serious consequences for your Amazon FBA business.

Utility patents protect the way an invention works or how it is used, and if you violate these patents, you could be infringing on the brand owner's intellectual property. This could result in a warning from Amazon, removal of your product, or even account suspension if you receive multiple complaints.

It's important to thoroughly research the products you plan to sell on Amazon and ensure that they do not violate any existing patents or intellectual property rights. To avoid utility patent IP complaints on Amazon, stay away from products that may be copied or infringe on existing patents.

Conduct a thorough search for existing patents using the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website and ensure that your products do not violate any existing patents. Additionally, stay up-to-date on any changes in intellectual property laws and regulations. By being proactive and avoiding potential violations, you can protect your Amazon FBA business and avoid the consequences of utility patent IP complaints.

In the next section, we'll explore how to deal with patent IP complaints if you do receive one.

How to deal with Patent IP Complaints

Ready to handle patent IP complaints on Amazon FBA? Let's explore some tips to help you navigate this potentially tricky situation.

First, make sure to thoroughly research the patent in question and understand the scope of its protection. This will help you determine whether your product truly infringes on the patent or not.

If you believe that the patent holder's claim is baseless, you can try to contest it by providing evidence that your product doesn't actually infringe on the patent. However, if you determine that your product does infringe on the patent, you'll need to either stop selling it or obtain a license from the patent holder to continue selling it.

It's important to note that obtaining a license can be difficult and expensive, so it's usually best to avoid infringing on patents in the first place. To do this, you can conduct a thorough patent search before launching any new products to ensure that you aren't unknowingly infringing on someone else's intellectual property.

Additionally, you can work with a patent attorney to help you navigate the patent landscape and avoid any potential legal issues. With these tips in mind, you can protect yourself from patent IP complaints and ensure that your Amazon FBA business runs smoothly.

Now, let's move on to discussing how to respond to Amazon IP infringement notices.

Amazon IP Infringement Notices

To handle Amazon IP infringement notices, it's crucial that you respond promptly and provide evidence of authenticity for your products. Whether the notice comes from Amazon or the brand owner, you will need to demonstrate that your product is genuine and that you have the right to sell it on the platform. Failure to respond or provide proof can result in account suspension, especially if you receive multiple complaints.

To avoid IP infringement on Amazon, it's important to be vigilant when setting up your listings and to stay away from problematic brands. However, if you do receive an IP infringement notice, don't panic. Responding appropriately and providing evidence can help remove the complaint from your account.

Additionally, taking proactive steps to avoid infringing on intellectual property can help prevent future complaints.

IP Complaints from buyers or brands

When buyers or brands file IP complaints against your Amazon FBA seller account, it's important to understand the basis of their claim and respond promptly with appropriate evidence. Here are some steps to take:

1. Read the complaint carefully to determine the specific intellectual property right that has been allegedly infringed.

2. Look through your inventory and sales history to verify that the product in question is indeed authentic and does not violate any intellectual property rights.

3. If you believe the complaint is invalid, respond to the brand owner or buyer with evidence to support your position.

4. If the complaint is valid, remove the listing immediately and work with the brand owner to resolve the issue.

To avoid receiving IP complaints in the future, it's crucial to thoroughly research the products you plan to sell and ensure that you have the necessary permissions and licenses to do so.

How to Remove IP Complaints from your Amazon Account

If you've received an Amazon IP complaint, it's crucial to respond promptly and properly to avoid account suspension.

The first step is to contact the brand owner and try to retract their complaint.

If that's not possible, you can provide invoices and a plan of action to Amazon to remove the complaint from your account.

What to do if you received an Amazon IP Complaint

Dealing with an Amazon IP complaint can be stressful, but there are steps you can take to resolve the issue and avoid future violations. The first thing you should do is carefully review the details of the complaint to understand the basis of the claim.

If the complaint is valid, you may need to remove the product from your inventory and work with the brand owner to resolve the issue. If you believe the complaint is not valid, you can respond directly to Amazon and explain your position with evidence to support it.

It's important to respond promptly to Amazon IP complaints and take the necessary steps to address them. Failure to do so can result in account suspension or termination.

To avoid future violations, make sure to thoroughly research and verify the authenticity and legality of the products you plan to sell on Amazon. By being proactive and vigilant, you can protect your account and maintain a positive reputation as a seller.

Preventing IP Complaints

There are many tools out there to help you check wholesale inventory against lists of brand names that frequently send out IP claims.

Remember, just because you have a product, doesn't mean you have the legal right to sell it. Brand owners can claim your product doesn't come with the full warranty or other details, which would make it counterfeit if you sell their product without it.

Check your Amazon detail pages for trademarked terms, and especially be careful if you are selling products that are compatible with other brands or are bought from distributors that can't furnish letters of authorization from the brand.

Always do your research, since the best way to deal with IP claims is to avoid getting them in the first place!

With that said, let's move on to some final thoughts on Amazon IP complaints.

Final Thoughts

Hey, you savvy Amazon seller, you've learned a lot about avoiding intellectual property complaints, but don't forget that prevention is key.

One way to prevent IP complaints is by regularly checking for IP claims and avoiding problematic brands.

By staying vigilant and avoiding potential violations, you can avoid the headache of dealing with IP complaints altogether.

And if you do receive an IP complaint, don't panic - follow the steps outlined in this article to handle it properly.

Remember to contact the brand owner and attempt to retract their complaint, and if that's not possible, provide invoices and a plan of action to Amazon.

By responding appropriately, you can remove the claim from your account and continue selling on Amazon.

You might also be looking for other ways to avoid sudden and unwarranted listing suppressions on your Amazon account. If that's the case - you can read our article on Amazon Account Health Assurance here.

Or if you're ready to upgrade your eCommerce fulfillment strategy - contact us now.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can sellers receive IP complaints from both Amazon and buyers/brands?

Yes, as an Amazon FBA seller, you can receive IP complaints from both Amazon and buyers/brands. These complaints are serious violations of intellectual property rights and can lead to product removal or account suspension.

What steps should sellers take to respond to an IP infringement notice from Amazon?

Wondering how to respond to an IP infringement notice from Amazon? First, review the basis of the complaint and contact the brand owner. If they won't retract the claim, provide invoices and a plan of action to Amazon.

Is owning a product enough to give sellers permission to sell it for profit on Amazon?

No, owning a product does not automatically give you permission to sell it for profit on Amazon. You must ensure that you are not infringing on any intellectual property rights, such as trademarks, copyrights, and patents, before listing the product.

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